There are many ways by which you can make money on the internet and domain parking is one of the simple ways. You can park your domain while you are building your site. This is an efficient way to set your site while it is being built and also avoid disappointing your visitors while site is being built. There are some domain owners who just park their domain and do not develop their site, with money being their main motive. Companies can also make use of domain parking as one of the options to divert its website traffic to another website if its own. You need to have the knowledge on what type of domain you could park. Creative and effective thinking and planning can help you to buy domain names with this idea and capitalize on them. If you come up with a new idea and you realize that there is no domain name ( i.e. with .com) for it, then you can immediately park the domain name and earn from it. On doing so, the probability of that you being approached by someone who very badly ne...