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12 SEO Starters Questions Answered

Here are the lists of common questions I see in my Google Analytics. Below is the straight answer to the questions that would help the SEO starters.

(1) How to get pages indexed on Google, Yahoo & Bing?

Add your site to the below URL's

In addition configure your site to Google & Bing Webmaster tools

Google Webmaster tools -
Bing webmaster tools -

(2) How to list your website with Google in one day?

Add your site to Google ( and also configure your site to Google Webmaster tools ( Use to check whether your site is included in Google.

And if you are expecting to list you site for the site keywords then it would take time. Google lists the site based on the website popularity and website structure. This is a long term process.

(3) How to make sure your content is SEO ready?

You can check the keyword density of the content WRT to your service or products. Compare your content with your competitors. Write content for your visitors and not for search engines.

(4) How to submit website to Google, Yahoo & Bing search engines?

Go to the following URL's to submit your website

(5) How to use Meta tags to improve Google ratings?

Use unique Meta tag content for pages and the Meta tags should be explaining all about the page. Meta description is more important and Meta keyword is least important.

(6) Is there any difference on how Google ranks h1, h2, h3, h4, h5 & h6?

H1 to H6 tags are used to show the importance of the page body headings. H1 is large in font size and H6 is small in font size.

(7) What are the basics of SEO html?

Unique title for pages, Meta tags, H tags, < p > tag and Alt attributes.

(8) What is difference between Google analytic and webmaster tool?

Google Analytics shows your site's visitor’s information and Google webmaster tools show your site performance information.

(9) What search words will work?

Based on your site theme, you can find using the below free tools

Yahoo search clues -

(10) Does use of title attribute in links improve search rankings?

Title attribute will help Google spiders to know more about the link relevancy towards the pointing content page.

(11) Does Google look at the first 3 words for search titles?

Google spider’s looks the pages title to know what the content is all about. Importance is given to the titles based on the page relevancy. Top content are give more importance includes Title words, Meta description and body content.

(12) Can Google see dropdown as keyword stuffing?

If the dropdown text helps users to understand better then it will not fall under keyword stuffing.

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