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Showing posts with the label Google

5 SEO Tips to follow in 2022

You would have already knew these SEO tips but you would have ignored or missed out. If you know or not, do consider following and look very close to these, #1 Disavow file Check your site backlinks using your fav SEO tool and find out backlinks which you think is bad and add to the disavow file.    Reference #2 Page Speed Improve your page speed for better user experience. This is one of the important ranking signal. Do an analysis & optimize your website with Page speed tool.     Reference #3 User Interaction Make sure you provide a good user experience by not completing your web page design. Make it simple and drive the user through an interaction in the form of simple CTA button to get the data. #4 Page layout Shift Every web page should have visual stability. Image or video with unknown dimensions or fonts that loads large then falls back to small or any wired widget o...

Google’s Free Product Listing Platform Froogle Is Back as Google Organic Shopping

Old SEO’s are found of the term Froogle. SEO’s who have been there for last 8 years would be wondering what is Froogle. Google started with free product listing and SEO’s used to upload products using .txt file in specific format and then turned with the help of .xml. The old merchant center had a manual upload option with these two options. Google then dropped free listing and allowed paid product listing which is now called as shopping ads. Now Google Free shopping results is expected to be live by end of April and around the Globe by end of 2020. I’m sure the paid shopping Ads would be on top which will be projected well enough and free listing at the bottom. With all these let’s see how ‪competitive‬ it would be for Amazon. Let’s watch the show. Anyways SEO’s can take advantage on this free listing and at this time with what we are dealing with I mean the crises, it’s definitely a relief for every business owners and webmasters. Work on your organic product search op...

Why Are You Afraid Of Google Penguin Update?

Would say, you don't have to be panic! SEO recovery is doable. As per the industry experience and Google's confirmation, penguin update goes on regular basis and the major updates are announced and named in versions. Started on April 24, 2012 (Google Penguin 1.0), May 26, 2012 (Penguin 1.1), October 5, 2012 (Penguin 1.2), May 22, 2013 (Penguin 2.0), Oct. 4, 2013 (Penguin 2.1), and October 17, 2014 (Penguin 3.0). Penguin 4.0 is expected in couple of months. Don't wait for Penguin 4.0 to hit your website. First thing you need to know is about the information that to be collected before you start the work on Google's penguin lift and the proceedings in your website in order to stay back in the competitive search spot game! (1) A Search Console (Former Google webmaster tools) account need to be created. Reference (2) DA and PA check tool. Reference (3) Knowing how hard it has been hit your website. Reference rec...

Google Paid Shopping Ads - Negative & Converting Keywords

Google shopping campaigns are used to promote products through product listing ads and it consists of image, product title, price, shipping, business name to mention few. By submitting a product feed to Google merchant center and linking to your AdWords account, you can create and access the products information and settings for various targets. Google shopping don't allow you to manage keywords like web search ads. In most of the industry shopping ads perform better than web search ads but at the same time, you will be losing $$$$ when user clicks on ads by displaying the products for irrelevant keywords, that is negative keywords. Negative keywords can be used at the campaign or ad group level to restrict the irreverent search queries for which the product ads are shown. You have an option to add, edit, or remove negative keywords by clicking the Keywords tab. How to find negative keywords? By using Google Analytics, you can navigate to Acquisition > AdWords > Sea...

Best 3 Free LSI Keyword Research Tools

There are couple of standard keyword research tools and out of that these 3 free LSI keyword research tools provides straight forward solution. What LSI is all about? LSI stands for Latent Semantic Indexing. These combination of keywords helps in indexing process and to better understand about the pages. Google and other search engines confirmed using more Latent Semantic Indexing keywords, the pages will boost in rank process. Let's see more on LSI keyword research tools. (1) LSI Graph - LSI Keyword Generator The tool is a free LSI Keyword Generator tool that provides related keywords to the keyword that you us in search engines. These are related keywords that are semantically linked to the main keyword used in search. (2) Soovle LSI Tool generates LSI keywords not only for Google, the tool also provides LSI for Bing, Yahoo, Youtube, Wikipedia, Answers and This tool creates a result set by looking through the main keyword...

DuckDuckGo a Google Yahoo Combo

A good alternate search engine with privacy search. DuckDuckGo don't follow you and has good index level. You don't have to navigate search pages for results and the web sites / pages listed are very close to the search queries. As said the specialty is the search results which is shown in one page as a go and the page is very clean. The search experience is amazing with the ability to show up the sites and pages with fav icon. If you compare the results with Google and Bing, most of the searches results in DuckDuckGo looks better and more relevant. DuckDuckGo is worth be to a default search engine and it's in the hands of the digital and search industry on how effective the privacy search engine can used and made popular like the earlier days of Google, Yahoo, Bing and many. Hope Duckduckgo will not be a disappointment like Cuil and Blekko.

Traditional Google add url title changed to search console

Back years ago when there was no google webmaster tool interface, individuals and web masters used to add their websites to this Google url , which still works. I don't think most of the people who use the interface webmaster tool would have noticed the Google's add url. Apart from this, looks like Search console (formally webmaster tools) will be a more closer opportunity for the businesses and will help a lot for even non techies too. There are high chances  for increase in more signup's. Let's see how it goes on!

Letter to Google on Search Ranking Choice!

We appreciate the webmaster tools improvement and developments but regardless the transparency. (1) Can you show us why the competitor’s sites are ranking well even though my site is better when compared in all ways? (Please don’t say it's because of domain age. Since we are in the industry we know the market share and the truth. The insight would help us to work on the site fixes.) (2) Can you show a sample list of spam or poor quality backlinks other than mentioned in the manual action review request? (3) Can you mention the algorithm update in webmaster tools that caused the traffic drop? (We know that can be noticed from analytics or from search queries data. Suppose if you update 2 or more algorithm in consecutive weeks, the guess would be broad) (4) Suppose my competitor hires a team to build my site links with bunch of spam and poor quality links, what would be the result after an algorithm update? I need to find those links to disavow and wait? (5) WMT link...

Disavow.txt Smart Code Report to Disavow Spammy Or Low-Quality Links

You need to make sure about the links to be disavowed. The main factor is about low-quality & spammy links those points to the site. The process need to be carried out only if you think the links that are to be mentioned are causing issues to your site's online presence. # This Disavow Report was created on Date, year (Today) for # This report includes links of 2 prior reports submitted on Month Date, Month Date # This report also contains new data added today, Month Date # We have request webmaster to remove our links from their domain. The links from the following domain were cleaned up # The webmaster did not respond. The links from the following domain were not cleaned up # The below blogspot has differnt ccTLDs. We assume Google will apply disavow to all ccTLDs. Customize the disa...

Top 5 SEO Extensions for Google Chrome

As we all know there are thousands of SEO extensions for Google Chrome. Here are the 5 SEO tools I would recommend to understand and improve the site SEO factors. (1) SEO for Chrome This tool SEO for Chrome provides SEO Tools like to find Pages indexed, competitive analysis, keyword research, backlink checks, pagerank checks etc. 2) SEO SERP A simple SERPS tool to check the position for a list of websites for a given keyword. (3) SEO Site Tools This tool provides the Social Media information, external page data, HTML and CSS Validation etc. (4) SEO Professional Toolbar This tool stores the rank and backlinks history for selected sites. (5) Mozbar  ...

Part 2 SEO QA - SEO Newbie's Questions Answered

In continuation with the previous post, here are some more common questions I see in my Google Analytics log. The post help to get direct answers for the question. (1) How many words can I use in H1 tags? H1 tags are for page headings. There are no fixed numbers. Have H1 tag meaning full for page body content that helps users and search engines to understand better. Normally 4 to 5 words are seen around as maximum and they were meaningful. (2) Can I use the same article content in different articles site? No you should not. Have one article per site. Do not duplicate. Make sure that the articles site is not a scrapper site. (3) Does Google prioritize search results? Yes Google lists search results based on website popularity and the factors includes links to your site, search engine friendly structure, quality content and many other factors. Follow Google guidelines to increase your online presence. (4) How to get listed higher in Google? Your site should meet Google g...

How to setup Google Feedburner for Blogger and Wordpress

Integrating Google Feedburner with blog feeds. Easy way to setup Google Feedburner to your Blogs and Websites. Make your blog posts popular. Help your readers to subscribe your blog posts updates easily through Feedburner's headline animator . Try now. Don't miss it! The blog post has a write-up to setup your blog feeds to the place you desire. Step 1: Sign-up Login to Google feedburner using your Gmail account. Figure 1.0 Step 2: Getting your blog Feeds Get your blog feeds from the following URL Blogger - Wordpress - Step 3: Adding Blog Activity Feed Assume you have selected one of your blog feed. In the Feedburner dashboard you will have an option to paste the blog feed link in an text box as below (Refer Figure 3.1). Figure 3.1 If you have a podcast in your blog then click on check box “I am a podcaster” and click next button. If you don't have a podcast in your blog then leave...

Keywords 101 - Types of Keywords and Search Operators

This blog post is about Keywords 101 and it includes information on how keywords works with search, types of keywords and effective easy to search keywords using Google operator. Keywords are of many types that vary to the individual human behavior. Keywords are not created they are formed. What are Keywords? Keywords are words that are used to search information in Search Engines that refers to a specific topic. Keywords can vary like Singular Keywords, Plural keywords, Strong & Weak keywords, Global & Local keywords, Misspelled keywords, Seasonal keywords and Long tail keywords. How Keywords work? When you search for information using a Keyword[1], the Search Engine looks for all the indexed pages in the database contacting the specific word or words (Called as keywords). If you try for a Keyword 'SEO and SMO' then the search engine will look for the pages that contain the words 'SEO and SMO'. Despite you will see topics that relates to only SEO and...

What Google Hates?

As we know Google is trying to bring best search results with wide range of algorithms and the most popular panda update does a lot to meet user’s experience. In some cases, even now we see n number of scrapper sites and search manipulation sites in web search. Google is still fighting to get all these sites dumped. What Google hates? 1. Serving different results for search engines and users. 2. Content copied from different sites. 3. Buying paid links to manipulate site ranking. 4. Keyword stuffing in content and HTML tags. 5. Hiding keywords using style sheet. 6. Too many JavaScript pop-ups in a page. 7. Slow loading sites. 8. Low server response sites. 9. Duplicate URLs and sites that don’t use canonical URL tags. 10. Dynamic sites that doesn’t use parameter handling. 11. Pages that have high bounce rate. 12. Tags that doesn’t meet body content. 13. Low average time spent on each page. 14. Non-search engine friendly URLs 15. Images that are not optimized which res...

How to Improve Content writing using SEO to Rank in First Page?

A Guide to write quality Content to reach your Readers by having SEO standards and factors in mind. This blog post is about improving your content writing to rank in first page of Google, Yahoo and Bing by following set of SEO standards and factors. This post can help you reach your content to all your readers who search for similar information. Always write content for Readers first, not for bot's alone. Have the keywords in your content as reader friendly then search engine friendly. Read this post so that you "Don't give a chance for your readers to miss your Content". This post helps you to know how to improve content writing by formatting the content with HTML & SEO standards that can be easily understood by search engine bots about the importance of the content subject along with researched keywords. If you do not format properly, even quality content will not reach your readers. Make Google[1], Yahoo[2] and Bing[3] search engines, easily crawl able. Ha...

Beginning Search Engine Optimization (SEO) 101 Guide: Students & Beginners - Basics

Students & Beginners Guide on Basic Search Engine Optimization 101. This Blog post on Search Engine Optimization( SEO ) 101 for students & beginners teaches the basics about Search Engines and web page optimization. Search Engine Optimization in short is called SEO and is also known by different terms like web promotion, organic promotion and free search listing. "Search Engine Optimization (SEO) 101: Students Guide - Basics" helps to learn What Search Engine is, What SEO is, Why we do SEO, How SEO works, Finding the website page index, Adding a website page to Google, Yahoo and Bing in a simple way. Favorite or Bookmark this post as the author will be adding more information on Basic SEO and you may use this post as a reference guide whenever you like to implement SEO. What is a Search Engine? Search Engine is a tool that helps to retrieve information for a user when a query is typed into the search text box and by clicking search button submit. A large a...

5 Minutes Google Panda SEO Checklist

Google panda update has made tremendous change in search engine results. The main goal of Google panda update is to get rid of content farm and scrapper sites. Google is still fighting on the panda factors. Go through the checklist and fix the factors and become a panda free site. Factor 1. Do you have a low search performance page? Status - Yes / No Remark - You need to work on the quality of the page or you may delete the page. One non-quality page should not disturb other n number of quality pages. Factor 2. Does your site loads slow? Status - Yes / No Remark - The site load time should not be high. You need to optimize your images and code to reflect site load speed. Factor 3 . Do you have well researched keywords that related your web page content? Status - Yes / No Remark - Without enough quality content, do not optimize your page titles for search keywords. The site page will be repeatedly listed for the user’s keywords only when the page is useful for the s...