Give good time for your valuable blog readers by writing quality interesting original content, if you have more to write, its not necessary to write only technical content, you can very well write you experience in the related field and share your good and bad experience on the fields you like and involved. (1) For the start, choose catchy titles and interesting titles, which is valuable and should be unique (2) Don’t urge by adding blogs by count, write few good blogs and gradually increase the count, you obviously will increase your blog posts when you see comments from your lovable visitors in future :) (3) Select or think topic on problems vs. solutions, and write your experiences and thoughts and ask for comments and add their valuable ideas towards your blog, this will create pillars for your blog (4) Don’t use too much of images like banners in blog, since blog is only meant for content and make your visitors to read your valuable write-ups, of course you can add your p...