Use the below code code to receive email when Google spiders / Yahoo Bot your blog or website pages $email = ""; if(eregi("googlebot",$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) { mail($email, "The Googlebot came to call", "Google has visited: ".$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); } ?> $email = ""; if(eregi("yahoo! Slurp",$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) { mail($email, "The Yahoo bot came to call", "Yahoo has visited: ".$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); } ?> See When A Page Is Spidered $the_date = "Today is ".date ("l, F d Y"); $the_time = "The time is ".date ("H:i \(O")." GMT)"; $all_date = $the_date.' '.$the_time; echo $all_date; ?> This is a typical output from the code: Today is Wednesday, February 12 2007 The time is 12:15 (-0500 GMT) Thanks for your time and supp...