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Showing posts with the label Seo Tips

5 SEO Tips to follow in 2022

You would have already knew these SEO tips but you would have ignored or missed out. If you know or not, do consider following and look very close to these, #1 Disavow file Check your site backlinks using your fav SEO tool and find out backlinks which you think is bad and add to the disavow file.    Reference #2 Page Speed Improve your page speed for better user experience. This is one of the important ranking signal. Do an analysis & optimize your website with Page speed tool.     Reference #3 User Interaction Make sure you provide a good user experience by not completing your web page design. Make it simple and drive the user through an interaction in the form of simple CTA button to get the data. #4 Page layout Shift Every web page should have visual stability. Image or video with unknown dimensions or fonts that loads large then falls back to small or any wired widget o...

Disavow.txt Smart Code Report to Disavow Spammy Or Low-Quality Links

You need to make sure about the links to be disavowed. The main factor is about low-quality & spammy links those points to the site. The process need to be carried out only if you think the links that are to be mentioned are causing issues to your site's online presence. # This Disavow Report was created on Date, year (Today) for # This report includes links of 2 prior reports submitted on Month Date, Month Date # This report also contains new data added today, Month Date # We have request webmaster to remove our links from their domain. The links from the following domain were cleaned up # The webmaster did not respond. The links from the following domain were not cleaned up # The below blogspot has differnt ccTLDs. We assume Google will apply disavow to all ccTLDs. Customize the disa...

Top SEO strategies & tips for Facebook Page Owners

Facebook Page is a key for your business promotion and for many after their business website; they invest much time, effort and money to their business or personal Facebook page . Facebook by its social space popularity pulls more traffic to their site, so make use of it to bring traffic to your Facebook business page. Here are the top SEO strategies & tips for Facebook page owners. 1. Have the most suitable name for your Facebook page and do not change it. 2. Choose the best URL for your Facebook Page and to rename to custom URL, you need to have 25 fans to your Facebook page. 3."Why is this page" about text box on right side should have the message for the visitors and have the most effective words to it for greater indexing. 4. Make use of the “ Info ” tab to include important links and texts with keywords on your page. 5. Make use of the option " Suggest your friends ". 6. Make use of “Static FBML” boxes ...

Top 1 of the Bottomless SEO Tips

Study your competitor first and then proceed to on-pages and off page optimization. A business owner can come forward to study his online competitors for his services or products. At the end of the day he is the seller earner or looser. If you do SEO yourself or contact a SEO professional, first thing you need is to know through what search keywords your product or services can be sold through Search Engines. If you hire a person, then work closely with the person to give an idea on what all service you offer and how much you can offer. As a business owner you are the person who knows everything that can be offered and you will be knowing limitation if any. Suppose if you can only sell your service to limited customers or can sell only minimum number of products a day then you can go for weak search keywords were you have a user hit between hundreds. Weak keywords with right optimization can brig results easily. Before starting SEO, think about you or your business strength and...

Learn and Share about SEM in Search Engine Watch Forums

Hello world, a short information about search engine watch forums and my part. I would like to share the information that SEW forums is one of the place where I had spent time to learn more and in-depth about SEM industry years ago. There were several topics, which has been posted in search engine watch forums that was helpful and even now it goes on and on. Latter I had chance to reply threads by sharing my knowledge and it was a great pleasure to know that those thread replies were helpful for most of the members. There are many Moderators and members who actively participate the forum thread posts and comes up with great advice, tips and techniques which tends to bring out their expertise knowledge in specific filed and also in general. I am very much happy to add value for SEW forums and I am glad to say that I am one of the Moderators If you are a site owner, webmaster, designer, developer or a SEO person trying to improve your ability in search engine marketing, then the r...

Everything about Meta Robots and robots.txt

Robots plays important role in the field of SEO . We have two ways to control pages and folders one is using Robots META tag and other is through robots.txt A web page creator can specify which page should be indexed and which page should not be indexed by search engines by placing Robots META tag in the HTML section Here are some Robots tags that are common < content="NOINDEX" name="ROBOTS"> - Ignore content and follow links < content="NOFOLLOW, INDEX " name="ROBOTS"> - Include content and do not follow links < content="NOINDEX,NOFOLLOW" name="ROBOTS"> - Ignore content and do not follow links < content="INDEX,FOLLOW" name="ROBOTS"> - Include content and follow links < content="NOARCHIVE" name="ROBOTS"> - Cache link should not show Search results pages < content="NOODP" name="ROBOTS"> - The Open Directory Project (ODP) t...

30 SEO Tips in 30 Days to turn your website SEO ready

Revised 30 SEO Tips in 30 Days - Explained in Google Knol (Won best knol of the Month March 2009 & Top Pick Knol Award) Having less time to do SEO by your own :) do not worry, now you have a chance to turn your website SEO ready in just 30 days by applying one SEO tip a day? Here are those 30 SEO tips Tip [1] Add Titles related to targeted keywords, place only important keywords, do not exceed more than 25 characters Tip [2] Meta description should be unique for each pages with targeted keywords. Do not stuff keywords into Meta description. Tip [3] Layout pages with CSS, avoid tables Tip [4] Add Keywords towards H1 tag as page headlines. Tip [5] Implement Bread crumbs for increasing web site navigation structure example Home >> Service >> SEO Tip [6] Create Static Header and footer navigation links, Links should be text not as images Tip [7] Analyze your targeted keywords using Google suggest Tip [8] Keywords in navigational links play a vital role and have ...

12 Useful Online Marketing Resources for Small Business Owners - A self check

In this post small business owners can find list of Webmaster resources and tools that can help to track and improve existing SEO work performed in Business website or Blog But don’t forget to leave SEO work to experts :) and suggest your thoughts on your type of business and customers using below Webmaster resources and tools (1) Google Webmaster Tools to improve traffic (2) Analyze your visitors, search engine visibility and keyword search through Google Analytics (3) Find pages that link to your site and competitor site using Site Explorer (4) Track search engine result placement for your keyword and URL (5) Check your web page in different screen resolutions (6) Type out your domain or keywords in search box to find relationship between linking sites and topics, a Visual Meta search engine 7) Check you site load time and fix if it is too slow. This will help search engine spiders to crawl easily (8) Find out how search engine spiders look at your site (9) Find how y...

Get FREE SEO Tip of the day Google gadget here

We are happy when we learn new SEO tip a day. It may be a designer, developer, webmaster, SEO guy or a entrepreneur. Yes, here you can find a FREE SEO Tip of the day Google gadget , bug free one which will display a SEO tip per day. It’s just simple to add either to the web page or to the iGoogle, don't miss the SEO Tips. Copy and paste the HTML below to include this SEO gadget on your webpage / blog Screen shot below shows how the Google gadget looks Share with your friends:

Tips on SEO for Programmers

SEO is very much important for Programmers working in Web Development and Promotion Company. This article will teach some technique and tactics for programmers. Make Search Engine Friendly URLs by using Mod_write in php, this will look like a static page giving keywords as page names and SEO Shopping Carts should be made for eCommerce website. Meta tag Optimization is important for SEO and it is good for programmers to know about it. This comes with some important Meta description, Keywords, robots and re-visit and a good Title.(Detail Meta tag part can be found from the below articles) HTML Includes can be introduced for replacing JS file in asp pages for making navigation links search engine friendly. CSS Programming for drop downs list should be done to avoid java script. Thanks for your time and support, leave a reply!

20 Top Tips For Great SEO Expert

Tips revised for SEO 2012 & Social Media 2012 (1) Add Title related to targeted keywords, place only important keywords, do not exceed more than 25 characters. (2) Add Meta description related to Title tag. Repeat keywords used in title two times in meta description.Meta description should be unique for each pages with targeted keywords. Do not stuff keywords into meta description. Do note exceed 255 characters. Note: Meta description and web page content should be a good one, if not it be placed in supplement results in "Google" (3) Add meta keywords related to targeted keywords,now only meta search engine focus in this meta keywords. (4) Add robots tag to tell search engine spider like Googlebot and MSNbot to index page and follow. (5) Add re-visit tag to tell search engine to visit our site in number of days like "7 days" etc. (6) Add Keywords towards H1 tag. (7) Add Bread crumbs to increase web site navigation structure. (8) Add static H...

15 Best Seo Tips For Web Designers

These handfull SEO tips will help a web designer to build a web site search engine friendly, rest of the web promotion part will be taken cared by an SEO experts (1) Optimize images to increase loading speed. (2) Design a content based layout. (3) Create static navigation links both header and footer. (4) Add content to web pages inside p tag avoid br tag. (5) Minimize table especially nested tables. (6) Replace div for tables. (7) Avoid Java script. (8) Use H Tags like h1...h6 for placing Keywords example like service name and products. (9) Create file name related to web page example web-design-uk.html and avoid keeping page name as web1.html, web2.html etc. (10) Implement Bread crumbs for increasing web site navigation structure example Home >> Service >> Web design. (11) Add alt tags related to images. (12) Avoid creating under construction or coming soon page. (13) Avoid using frames. (14) Validate web page for W3c to avoid html code error...