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Showing posts with label SEO. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SEO. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

12 Useful Online Marketing Resources for Small Business Owners - A self check

In this post small business owners can find list of Webmaster resources and tools that can help to track and improve existing SEO work performed in Business website or Blog

But don’t forget to leave SEO work to experts :) and suggest your thoughts on your type of business and customers using below Webmaster resources and tools

(1) Google Webmaster Tools to improve traffic
(2) Analyze your visitors, search engine visibility and keyword search through Google Analytics
(3) Find pages that link to your site and competitor site using Site Explorer
(4) Track search engine result placement for your keyword and URL
(5) Check your web page in different screen resolutions
(6) Type out your domain or keywords in search box to find relationship between linking sites and topics, a Visual Meta search engine
7) Check you site load time and fix if it is too slow. This will help search engine spiders to crawl easily
(8) Find out how search engine spiders look at your site
(9) Find how your website is targeted in local search engines
(10) Find insight of your website keyword search terms and location; target your business accordingly
(11) Get quick traffic and cost estimates on your keywords for sponsored listings
(12) Measure your ROI from SEO, PPC and conversion rate optimization

The above Online marketing resources and tools are easy to use by Small Business Owners and using this you can support web site promotion work performed by an individual or SEO company.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

You are NoWhere on the Search Engines Why?

You have wonderful products and services, you always hymn “Customer is our king” and you have showcased some of the best services that anyone in your industry can feel proud of! Then wondering why still is your website not visible in the top searches of search engines? There could be many reasons why still your website is being buried somewhere deep inside the search engine results.

Let us analyze one by one as to what the probable and top reasons could be:

• First and foremost thing to start with is to choose URLs that are keyword driven, so that users land exactly on your website when they type those keywords!
• The first best thing would be to check if your website has been listed in the search engines or not. This can be checked by typing out the website URL in the search engines and checking out if the result is showing your website as a result or not. It should ideally show a result of your own website, thereby proving that your site is actually listed.
• Getting search engine visibility takes time. It does not happen just like that. You need to spend more of your time and effort on it, just like it takes time to build up a new business and establish it. Though the results are not SO long to be seen, still it done need to have some time for itself too, to get established and familiar for the search engines. Give it more of time and consideration and hard work, and am sure it’ll pay off. So don’t be lazy start off right away
• Another essential thing to be noticed is to have more of written and relevant content in your website. Now this does not mean you just fill your website with keywords, just for the sake of getting listed in search engines. You must write articles in such a way that are meaningful, relevant to your website at the same time uses important keywords that your visitors might search for in search engines.
Title tag title tag title tag!!! Get this phrase embedded in your brain! The area in the HTML pages that asks for page title is where you must include keyword or keyword phrases, in order to get attention of the search engines.
• Next thing would be to include ALT tags to the images in the website. This also helps in the images in your website to participate and contribute its share to search engine optimization.
• How popular is your website among the search engines? This is the next question that you must be asking yourself. Popularity of a website increases with more of quality inbound links. The more other websites would link to your website, the more your website’s popularity increases among the net, thereby the search engines. This is done by link building, wherein you submit your website links to other quality and related websites, in order to develop site popularity.
• Finally create a business blog and update your current key services, products or any value added information which can help your business as well as your visitor. This can boost your search engine visibility and traffic

Well as I already said, there are many other things that might be one of the reasons hindering your website from coming anywhere near the top search results. But these are few of the important reasons.

With these tips, don’t be no-where in search engines, you are Now-here, get noticed!! Keep going!!

Monday, July 28, 2008

15 Top Tips for Video Optimization and Online Video Marketing

This post on Video optimization tips helps you to optimize your videos that enhance the amount of traffic to your website. Currently in its infancy stage, video optimization is gaining its popularity and growing at a much faster rate. Most of the visitors prefers video and audio than texts, this can be also helpfull for podcasts which is an upcoming optimization technique extensively, which will be discussed on future posts

15 Top Tips for Video Optimization and Online Video Marketing:

1. Create videos that focus on your brand and reinforce on the people your brand value.
2. The most important tip for your video optimization is a proper content. People need to love your video for your content too; else they would not go in for it.
3. See to that your metadata has the video in it, since many users search with this keyword. On adding this word in the metadata, chances of your video coming up as the search results tends to be high. But remember not to overuse the word.
4. Try choosing preferred formats like .mov, .avi, .wmv. This can help the users to have the videos in the formats that they want. May be you can have anyone of the formats to be available for search engines.
5. Have your videos with 10min or less in length. If longer, it might bore your viewers. If you want to extend the time, make sure that the video shall keep them engaged firmly or add it as part 1, part 2 and so on
6. Try to maintain a catchy title with the keyword that you would like to use for the video. It can act as a biggest convincing factor for your visitors to opt it from the search results.
7. When you have multiple videos, try using thumbnails that will enable your viewers to view the video of their choice. This will help them to decide on which video they want to spend time on completely. Generating the thumbnails can vary in various sites.
8. It’s seen that the search engines are interested towards the videos that are rated, so do the viewers. Hence give an option for your visitors to rate the videos. This can interest the search engines and the visitors towards your videos among the results.
9. On using any commercial content in the video, see to that there is a watermark that indicates the origin of the content. In case your video is copied by numerous sites; it will continue carrying your brand and site details benefiting you.
10. Keyword usage in the filename and in the URLs is very beneficial. Search engines give appreciable weight age on these videos. Try avoiding stop words in the filenames, like “the”, “and”.
11. Appropriate usage of keywords in the link text gives your video a lot of benefit.
12. Have your video placed in many places as you can. Good exposure to your video is very essential. This can also be done by trying to publicize your video using feeds like RSS and MRSS feeds.
13. Try using social bookmarking sites to increase the visibility of your video. Irrespective of the promotion medium used, this option can help you a lot.
14. Have “send to friend” option. Benefit them and also get benefitted.
15. Try offering the option to have your video embedded in other sites too. People can help you to spread your video around as much as they can.

Is this article useful?, you may also like SEO related articles below,

  • Pick Your Target Keywords and Position Your Keywords Meant for Search Engine Eyes

  • Secrets Behind Link Building

  • Why Business Keywords Matter

  • Does Changing ip Effects Domain Search Engine Rankings?

  • Domain Parking Practices In and Out

  • Share with your friends:
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    Thursday, June 19, 2008

    Balance Inbound and Outbound links for Page Rank Distributions

    Inbound links - Links to your site from other quality sites helps to increase a total Page Rank

    Outbound links - Links within your site, helps total rank distribution through out the pages and linking to other quality sites will also be recognized and honored by search engines :)
    There are several techniques involved for Inbound and Outbound links balance

    Inbound links can be obtained by link building based on various techniques, the below post links will help you on...

  • Importance of Link Building, Say Yes to Quality Links and No to Quantity Links

  • Secrets Behind Link Building

  • Outbound links are done through various ways listed below

    (1) Breadcrumb Navigation looks like Home >> Articles >> SEO

    (2) Head text links: Try to avoid image links and use CSS for look and feel

    (3) Footer Text Links: Most of the site miss-opportunity to add text navigation links or use java script for adding links, for effective rank distribution we can add links in template or as an include file

    (4) Sitemap - Contains links to every page of your site easy for rank distribution

    (5) Anchor text: Use important text between the and tags in contents, it will help you a lot to tell search engine spiders about the linking page importance to respective keywords and also for rank distribution

    (6) Linking to other quality site: If you find some information related to your site or your content and the site has real quality contents don't hesitate to link from your site, even rank distribution to other quality sites or information pages (Eg: Wiki) help your site to be ranked higher, which most of the people forget or fails to understand

    Hope you got an idea on rank distribution, try and come back with your experience, thanks for your time.

    Thursday, April 17, 2008

    Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Methodology FlowChart

    First of all, you all will be happy to see a flowchart on SEO Methodology, Why this? - We see lots of posts online related to SEO, we tend to misunderstand most of the SEO theories written by different peoples, due to their language and presentations and so on :), so I decided to draw a flow chart based on professional SEO approach and procedures, its below

    Saturday, April 05, 2008

    SEO and SMO Relationship Out Of Sight

    As we all know Search engine optimization called as SEO and some knows social media optimization called as SMO right? :)

    By reading this post, you will be an expert in SMO too :)

    Practical Introduction to SMO:

    SMO, one of my favorite is http://del.icio.us, how about you?, the site helps to share the website to your network and makes your site more visible in social media traffic circle.

    You have a website and its listed for your top keywords, thinking why you should go for SMO and waste time?, its wrong then, you will be missing neighborhood and fans around you. Target audience in SMO are different from keyword search visitors, my personal experience, also not all social media sites work for your line of business sites, for example if your site has resources like health tips, web development and so on, then you can try out del.icio.us and if your site has some hardware related products or services then digg will be the best choice, like that each social media have different crowd, you need to research on it.

    Find best social media sites for your company and get visited by your social media traffic circle, more about social media sites

    For SEO information’s, you have lots to read in this SEO Help blog articles section with various title on SEO techniques and tricks, so we will straightway go to hidden relationship between SEO and SMO

    SMO gives a push to your SEO efforts, when a visitor searches for a site in Google and lands to your site page, if he finds the content really interesting he will like to share with his network or friends or bookmark, so better try to embed social media sharing button www.addthis.com, this helps to bring more traffic and you can really see the difference in your site popularity and your keywords too :), thinking how keywords gets benefited, yes, when you use keywords as title on posts and when your visitor shares it in del.icio.us, the copy will be saved in del.icio.us with keywords as titles, when you get n number of clicks on that shared page copy, the keyword for that post gets its strength to face the competition on search engine keyword result, its same as anchor text concept but not know outside the panel :)

    Try out my del.icio.us profile and check live
    SEO always gets benefited from good SMO (Also other Google Fusion, My Yahoo, Blog Lines), so start today from this SEO Help Blog and all your sites, share and enjoy the power of SEO and SMO together.

    Thanks for your time and support, Leave a reply!

    Monday, March 31, 2008

    SEO Hacking, Think Smart to Protect

    We always become silent for at least a second when we hear the word "hacking". Yes as you know or not, now website and web application are also been hacked for traffics and also for making the competitor penalized with the help of SEO hackers, here it starts with...

    SEO hackers are experts in SEO techniques, a real hacker understand SEO Methodology and Search engine algorithm, they mostly apply black hat SEO for functioning, mostly on a small level they will try to insert their links to websites which has high page rank / traffic with hidden links through forms and browser queries and so on

    Mostly well know marketing consultants sites are been hacked by feeds, the most used hacking method is redirecting feeds traffic to the hacker blog or website

    Before promoting the site, we need to setup data security through all types of validation from simple forms to query injection; nothing should be taken easy and eliminated. Mostly small level SEO hacker for fun they will try to insert JavaScript url redirection through form submission, so that when a visitor clicks on a page it gets activated and re-directed to the hackers blog or website, some may use the comments section in blog or article posts. In-secure websites are best used for hackers to improve their skills :)

    Advanced level SEO hacking is done through servers using. .htaccess and hosting accounts. Nevertheless before promotion security setup has to be done instead of loosing all data and SEO work, which gives your competitor upper hand, by the help of a SEO hacker.

    Since SEO is a very competitive industry, many may try to employee SEO hackers to add their links to third-party sites

    Those who have not looked into data security still, its not late, you have to look into issues and fix it up very soon, through SEO your reaching global market, your site or blog covers most of your crowds, so careful about your resources, spend time for data security too and earn good revenue.

    Thanks for your time and support, leave a reply!

    Wednesday, March 05, 2008

    Regular Online Reputation Protection and Management – An Insight View

    Companies & marketers put in so much of effort to make their visibility in the search results appreciable. Reputation is a vital factor for every organization. It may even cost you millions of dollars. With the vast usage of Internet, blogs products and brands reach the customers at the faster rate never as before. Henceforth, online reputation has become a basic necessity.

    With so much of attention being given to reputation and steps taken to bring it up, yet it so happens that sometimes the page rankings given by search engines (SERPs) become unsatisfactory. With the massive increase in the companies in the market, their websites and customer expectations, you are always on the urge to have a cutting edge over your competitors and win over your potential customers.
    Gossips, Unnecessary rumors, dissatisfied customers can highly damage your company reputation. Many companies see that poor brand building are a public relation issue, while its actually held up with the PR firms. They form the basic cause for such brand issues.

    Online reputation management has indeed become a great problem for most of the companies in the market. When you try to displace the negative search results, it becomes a only a temporary solution, not a complete cure. We need to understand that such negative search results not only come from commonly used search engines, but also occur from blog searches, video sites, news searches, etc.

    One needs to understand that even negative comments can have immense affect over the brand image that companies have created over the years. They are forced to pay in protecting the brands as the customers interact with these brands.

    So what so we do on for this online reputation protection?

    When it comes to search engines and reputation management, we can look into some basic concepts that would help us to safeguard our online reputation. Monitoring, Analyze, Optimization and Engagement

    We need to monitor the brands, products, company on the whole and its key executives. We are forced to keep track of all search results, blog searches, news searches, forums, tags, etc. You need to first be aware of what and hoe your brand is being said online. This would help you to optimize your brand accordingly to be on the top of the search results. Keep track of every alert: Google alerts, yahoo alerts; RSS feeds subscriptions, Search engine news (Google and Yahoo), Blogs, Feedster, Feed burner, technorati, tags cloud so on.

    You are required to analyze and grasp things that happen around your search engines and your key competitors. Search index keep updating their indexes regularly.A negative article about your company and product seen in the first page of the search result could drastically bring down your reputation

    Optimization remains the most effective method and infact acts as a preventive measure too. Most firms focus on reactive optimization to handle negative searches. It has the companies go after the brand / reputation dissenters. Companies need to optimize their website, brand, brand content and other online properties effectively in order to have their online reputation safe and high. Every means of communication, like the Public Relations, marketing, SEO, human resource, investor relations and other related means like the texts, images used, video and audio created for the brand and products all contribute to the SERP. You need to optimize your main corporate site, micro sites, blogs, forums, press releases, articles, newsletters and even the partner sites to get hold of your reputation.Also make use of free online SEO tools to optimze your site.

    Active Engagement & Participation: When you have successfully identified the cause for the negatives search results, you need to deal with a few other things. You need to research on them, start thinking on the facts and the possible rectifying actions for the same. Start discussing over them and start being honest and transparent, and above all be ready to listen. Results can turn out to be anything. But continue to follow the concepts with sincerity, keeping track of the business and market trends.

    Be a continuous participator in major industry networks, social events, opinion polls, social networks, blog updation and follow-ups. This should help you to gather your company image outside with the consumers and help you to act accordingly. You start being proactive and start analyzing your audiences and your brand and their interactions. Focus on the brand content. More you focus on them, lesser your negative search results.

    But remember, all these steps is a ongoing process. Continuously track your reputation and consumer perception over you company and brands. And act quickly and clearly. Regular online reputation management, the secret behind your brand and organization success.

    Thanks for your time and support, Leave a reply!

    Tuesday, March 04, 2008

    Online Branding by way of SEO

    Brand – a trademark or a unique name to identify your product or a manufacturer”, has always remained the most important criteria for companies to gain their popularity. It is very important to create and maintain your brand and brand image throughout your presence in the market. It is difficult to attain this result as the market gets saturated with every company aiming towards it. You need to keep an eye on your customers and markets regularly to achieve this branding success.

    Now how does SEO got to do with this?

    In earlier days, branding was achieved majorly with campaigns, television ads, radio ads, billboards or every other place where the company can put up their product posters or details. But every time these techniques work for every kind of customers?

    The World Wide Web is a huge space. Every minute large number of sites and pages are being added on to the web. In such a scenario, where do your products and efforts stand? Where do they take you in the competitive market? Where do companies get to find their real dedicated customers or to be potential customers? You might even go unnoticed unless you put in some updated and extra effort to set your brand image really strong.

    With the massive use of internet, a good and well promoted website for your company and products, can gain in more potential customers towards it. Now with internet and all the search engines like Google, Yahoo, MSN., you can put forth your products and services to the more customers in a much easier process. And to create such a powerful online presence you need experienced SEO professionals. SEO professionals who plan your online marketing strategy. They work with you in close coordination and create your online presence.

    If you lack in this, you are giving chances for your competitors to have in more traffic to their websites and you lose in customers to them. It is essential for you to have a neat and simple website with details that are understandable and well projected. Else with any number of SEO techniques, you tend to go nowhere.
    A well planned optimized website can be interesting to look and understand, while it also delivers a complete successful corporate image. Organized website structures, Website popularity, Keywords researches do it right for your site and get your website along with your company name and product well branded. Give in time to learn, explore and research on your products / services and place them in the online market. Build your site and just wait for your visitors. It will tell the potential targeted customers how effective your products and efficient your company is.

    Build your website, product, and company - your brand online, with SEO.

    Thanks for your time and support, Leave a reply!

    Sunday, January 20, 2008

    Pick Your Target Keywords and Position Your Keywords Meant for Search Engine Eyes

    How do you think your visitors search for your web page? It's easy. The words you think and imagine and type in search engine box are your targeted business keywords

    For example, if you own a gift site, and if any visitor type "Gift shop online", then it's your target keywords for your site that you want your webpage to be in top ten results.

    Make your website with different targeted keywords that reflects your web page content. Say you have another page for gifts especially for women, then "Gifts for women" is your target keyword for that webpage, you can also know the search count or keyword strength by using Google or overture keyword tool

    An important point to be remembered is that your target keyword should be two or more words in length. Most of visitors make the mistake of typing single word like "Gifts". Single words used as keywords are odd and they don't bring success.

    Make sure your target keywords are placed in fine locations on a webpage. The page title tag is more important and it looks like
    < title > Gift shop online, Keyword 2, Keyword 3< / title >.Missing title tag is the main reason why most of the website are ranked poor.

    Title should be relatively short and attractive with not more than 3 to 4 keyword phrases and each keywords should be supportive to each other. For better understanding, if the first one is "gift shop online" then the next one can be "gift sale online". You can also try with a sentence format like
    "Gift sale online shop". When it appears in search engine listings, short and attractive title makes the visitors to click through your site.

    Search engines prefer web pages with keywords in headlines and also to appear in first paragraph of your webpage. While using keywords in your content use < p > tag and simplify your table structure.

    Keywords in navigational links play a vital role and have its own importance to search engine eyes. Say the first column has navigation links and second column has keywords as text.

    We see the pages like this

    Home Gift shop online
    Webpage 1 Gifts for Men
    Webpage 2 Gifts for Women
    Webpage 3 Gifts for Kids

    Search engines see pages like this

    Webpage 1
    Webpage 2

    Webpage 3

    Gift shop online
    Gifts for Men
    Gifts for Women
    Gifts for Kids

    You can see the keywords have moved down the page and it has to be fixed by simplifying your table structure, it's been seen online that most of the people simply forget to think on how tables might affect the web page for search engines listings. Follow these tips so that search engine crawls yours web pages happily

    Recommended Keyword Tool:
    Wordtracker Free Keyword
    Link to the Wordtracker Academy
    Use this link if you have already
    Link to the free downloadable (PDF)

    Thanks for your time and support, leave a reply!

    Saturday, December 29, 2007

    Creating XML Shopping Feed for an Ecommerce Product Site

    Here are simple steps to make your eCommerce site Web Pages indeed by Google and other major search engines

    Please note: Create your URL search engine friendly using product names, avoid stop characters

    (1) Create RSS feed using http://www.toucanmultimedia.com/rssmaker.php

    (2) Save the file as ecommerce_feed.xml (This will tell the search engine that the feed is all about ecommerce product page)

    (3) Add the ecommerce_feed.xml to Google Webmaster sitemap https://www.google.com/webmasters/sitemap by logging using Google account, same with yahoo site explorer

    (4) Configure the XML shopping feed.xml to feed burner http://www.feedburner.com and it will look like http://feeds.feedburner.com/blogspot/SEOPodCast

    (5) Integrate the XML shopping feed with an image or a plain text link from you site so that your visitors can subscribe and comeback when they need, by this you can expect more returning visitors, another advantage is entire product pages will be indexed by major and local search engines and even feed readers / finders.

    This can also be followed for large website with lots of resources, thanks for your time, keep visiting

    Related Posts: SEO Friendly E Commerce Store

    Thanks for your time and support, leave a reply!

    Thursday, December 27, 2007

    Top 8 Bad Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) Ideas to be Avoided

    As we all know search engine algorithm takes more factors in consideration for ranking a web page

    Now SEO changed a lot in recent years, techniques followed in 2004 stopped working, then what addressed in 2005 stopped working in 2006, now its 2007 - 2008. Dont worry, here is a set of bad SEO ideas common to all.

    To be avoided, if your want to stand long in search engines

    1. Stuffing keywords in invisible text using CSS / JS / Flash
    2. Purchasing Links
    3. Implementing duplicate content
    4. 302, temporary redirection
    5. Use Session IDs on your URLs, search engine will not understand
    6. Implementing your site in Flash, Your content is not in readable format for search engines
    7. Use lots of JavaScript
    8. Cloaking / Doorway pages

    Thanks for your time and support, leave a reply!

    Thursday, December 20, 2007

    10 most used Web Promotion Tools categorized according to SEO Methodologies

    Started to understand how much web promotion is important for your blog / site? Frighten not, here is a list of 10 web promotion tools categorized according to the web promotion methodologies and Google guidelines, which helps you to promote your blog or website site in a professional manner, easily and effectively

    (1) Competitor Analysis Tool

    The tool shows the competitive domains for a your business keyword in Google, Yahoo, and MSN

    (2) Age of top 100 Websites with Backlinks Tool

    Enter in a keyword phrase and we'll check the age of the top 100 sites as well as their backlinks

    (3) Keyword Selector Tool

    Not sure what search terms to bid on? Enter a term related to your site and the tool will show you related searches with search counts per month

    (4) Keyword Density Analysis Tool

    Enter URL and the tool will check keyword density of all the phrases on the page

    (6) Search engine Spider Viewer

    Enter page URL and see your web pages as search engines view them

    (7) Cool Cache Tool

    Enter URL and the tool checks your page, and all links of that page to see when individual page was last cached. The tool will also show if of your web pages aren't cached

    (8) Google & Yahoo Sitemap Tool

    The tool will spider your site and creates a sitemap in XML format for search engines to locate your WebPages, mainly used for deep links

    (9) Internal and External Link Title Tag Tool

    Enter URL and the tool will check your title tags, and the title tags of whom that site links to. This helps to develop internal links and to share link popularity

    (10) SERP Tool (Find your Keyword position)

    Offers instant, online reports of web site keyword rankings in 9 top search engines and web directories, including Google, Yahoo! Search, MSN, AOL, AltaVista, AllTheWeb, Yahoo! Directory, Open Directory (Dmoz), and LookSmart - FREE!. Hope above SEO tools will be helpful which is been used widely by many SEO Professionals , Thanks for your time, Good Luck, Visit again!

    Thanks for your time and support, leave a reply!!

    Friday, December 07, 2007

    Your blog not bringing the kind of visitors you want?

    Give good time for your valuable blog readers by writing quality interesting original content, if you have more to write, its not necessary to write only technical content, you can very well write you experience in the related field and share your good and bad experience on the fields you like and involved.

    (1) For the start, choose catchy titles and interesting titles, which is valuable and should be unique

    (2) Don’t urge by adding blogs by count, write few good blogs and gradually increase the count, you obviously will increase your blog posts when you see comments from your lovable visitors in future :)

    (3) Select or think topic on problems vs. solutions, and write your experiences and thoughts and ask for comments and add their valuable ideas towards your blog, this will create pillars for your blog

    (4) Don’t use too much of images like banners in blog, since blog is only meant for content and make your visitors to read your valuable write-ups, of course you can add your photo :)

    (5) Take your blog readers to a casual mood when reading your contents and make them interested to visit you again and again, help them by adding a feed reader or bookmark so that they can easily add, don’t make your visitor strain :)

    (6) Focus on navigation links so that your visitors can easily access your blog and can move from one post to another post

    Is it possible to follow above points? I try to keep these points in my mind but some times i miss :), bust follow these things and be a successful blogger, Good Luck

    Oops!!! Did I forget something that you know to make a blog much more good? Sure there are lots more; drop them to comments, Enjoy blogging, All The Best!

    Thanks for your time and support, leave a reply!!

    Saturday, December 01, 2007

    Yesteday SEO Expert is not Today SEO Expert

    Yes, day-to-day we see frequent changes in search engine listings for business keywords and website popularity. An SEO expert should be updated with his SEO knowledge in his day-to-day life.

    A good SEO expert predicts where the search engines are leading and moves business a website towards that direction.

    Here some tips,

    (1) Register in popular forum like SearchEngineWatch, SEOChat, like and keep watching the post and try to reply
    (2) Analyse and understand the SEO Tools and its
    (3) Subscribe for newsletters with TOP SEO's
    (4) Make use of SEO pod cast
    (5) Don’t miss any conference, seminar or workshop and more

    Pass on your comments so that I can increase the expert tips area that will help all SEO's

    Thanks for your time and support, leave a reply!

    Saturday, August 12, 2006

    White Hat SEO vs Black Hat SEO

    Black hat SEOis a bad practice of SEO, Google and other major search engines ban website using black hat tricks.This is trick to cheat search engine to get fast website popularity through search keywords like hiding keywords in CSS and Java Script, doorway pages, cloaking.Finally all the traffic and popularity you could have got from black hat SEO is a waste.

    White hat SEO is a natural and straight forward method of promoting websites and it will not be banned and lists is search engines till the website maintains quality content and backlinks.

    Black hat SEO is fast but temporary wins and white hat SEO slow but permanently wins.

    Thanks for your time and support, Leave a reply!

    How to increase web site Google Page Rank 4 and Above

    There are many different techniques to be followed to increasing page rank, for that you should know first "What is Page Rank"

    Page rank is a numeric value that represents importance of a web page and all about inbound links and also quality content

    If you place quality content in your web page and improve navigation structure with the help of more back links the page rank will automatically be 4 and above.The main backlinks can be from

    DMOZ, Yahoo Directory.This will boost out your website traffic and increase website popularity.

    Additional techniques used to increase page rank is Newsletters and resources like articles, E Books etc

    Thanks for your time and support, Leave a reply

    SEO Friendly Flash Web site

    Flash have been a pain and challenge for search engine promoters.Web sites developed with Flash are difficult or impossible for crawlers to read.But now Fast, AlltheWeb.com and Lycos are reading and indexing flash sites.

    Presently FAST is the first search engine to support the Flash format using the Macromedia SDK. By this, Flash sites visibility to the users through search engine is more.Fast search can crawler
    both text and link form flash.Google also can extract and index links from Flash files.

    Otherwise, flash can be a part of a website for presentations and other part can be ordinary html pages or else use a flash version and HTML version separately. Flash can be used by humans and HTML version for Search engines.

    Now search engine technology is growing well in advance so that we can just relax to see search engine crawler entering any depth of a flash website.

    Thanks for your time and support, Leave a reply!