Whats yours .com, .biz or .net?
The domain name extension or TLD (Top Level Domain) plays an important role for search engine optimization, too..com domain names will always be the best choice to go with. This does not mean that your website will not be successful if you decide to go with a different Top Level Domain like .uk or .in
Following are search engine top level domains in order, pick up domain related to your business
Pick up matching business domain name with keywords and perfect domain name has 14 characters or less.If need more than 14 characters, 22 characters should be your upper limit.It should also be easy to remember. Do not go with long domain names to avoid problems.Good Luck!
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The domain name extension or TLD (Top Level Domain) plays an important role for search engine optimization, too..com domain names will always be the best choice to go with. This does not mean that your website will not be successful if you decide to go with a different Top Level Domain like .uk or .in
Following are search engine top level domains in order, pick up domain related to your business
Pick up matching business domain name with keywords and perfect domain name has 14 characters or less.If need more than 14 characters, 22 characters should be your upper limit.It should also be easy to remember. Do not go with long domain names to avoid problems.Good Luck!
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