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Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Setting up Google AdWords Campaign PPC Account!

Are you looking for a great market for your products and business through online, go for Google Adwords you can find the solution.

This article teaches you to set up Google AdWords campaign in few minutes and start earning money

Google AdWords are PPC(pay per click) ads displayed on the top or right side of google search results.Ads are provided with high traffic keywords(product) with a good description to attract people to click and buy products or visit your site.

Some of the steps to be followed for setting up AdWords

First select a keyword and write a description for the ads to attract the visitors, keyword popularity can be know through "Google AdWords suggestion tool" https://adwords.google.com/select/main?cmd=KeywordSandbox

Create a google account and login to https://adwords.google.com you can find two option Starter Edition and Standard Edition. Go for Standard one.Now you can setup with selected keywords and description prepared related to products which should attract peoples.Google does not have a straight forward bid charges.Minimum is $30 per month

Allot a minimum bid for a day, test it and find out the clicks for your ads. Gradually increase the bids.Note for each click your bid is going to decrease. This can be tracked by google tracking tool.

When you are new go for only minimum Bid charges, learn and get experience in this game and then fight with competitors with maximum bid and make your business successful.

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Setting Up Overture PPC Account

Overture pay per click advertising is one way for making search results page for a specific keyword or phrase which is used by your customers or clients to buy your products online or offline.

For top listing on major search engine including yahoo, lycos, altavita and MSN.As far as PPC is concerned you are not going to pay for placing ads, you will pay only for the clicks by your audience and there visits to your website.

You can find two different signup options

One is self serve option and other is Fast Track option.

Self serve option; in this you can do keyword research. Keyword research can also be done through http://inventory.overture.com, then setting up your bids for the specific ads related to keywords researched by using the tool. Keyword titles should be related to your business and should be targeted towards the audience

Fast Track option, in this to have help in setting up your account you will get a support by call and assistance like keyword selection, Writing good titles and descriptions, Budget management, Account optimization and Setting up tracking URLs.

You have to fix the bid to at least $25 per month .Over all keyword prices are $0.10 per click depends on which keyword you choose.

My suggestion is to pick a low cost bid with high rankings popular keywords, you can make this by using keyword phrases.Do not buy a high bid keyword and no need to keep your keyword title in top, it can also be on something like in second till fifth place. If your title and description is good, your audience will automatically click your add and come for business. Like wise you can minimize the budget for your bid and invest on more keywords.

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Tips on SEO for Programmers

SEO is very much important for Programmers working in Web Development and Promotion Company.

This article will teach some technique and tactics for programmers.

Make Search Engine Friendly URLs by using Mod_write in php, this will look like a static page giving keywords as page names and SEO Shopping Carts should be made for eCommerce website.

Meta tag Optimization is important for SEO and it is good for programmers to know about it. This comes with some important Meta description, Keywords, robots and re-visit and a good Title.(Detail Meta tag part can be found from the below articles)

HTML Includes can be introduced for replacing JS file in asp pages for making navigation links search engine friendly. CSS Programming for drop downs list should be done to avoid java script.

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Saturday, August 12, 2006

White Hat SEO vs Black Hat SEO

Black hat SEOis a bad practice of SEO, Google and other major search engines ban website using black hat tricks.This is trick to cheat search engine to get fast website popularity through search keywords like hiding keywords in CSS and Java Script, doorway pages, cloaking.Finally all the traffic and popularity you could have got from black hat SEO is a waste.

White hat SEO is a natural and straight forward method of promoting websites and it will not be banned and lists is search engines till the website maintains quality content and backlinks.

Black hat SEO is fast but temporary wins and white hat SEO slow but permanently wins.

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How to increase web site Google Page Rank 4 and Above

There are many different techniques to be followed to increasing page rank, for that you should know first "What is Page Rank"

Page rank is a numeric value that represents importance of a web page and all about inbound links and also quality content

If you place quality content in your web page and improve navigation structure with the help of more back links the page rank will automatically be 4 and above.The main backlinks can be from

DMOZ, Yahoo Directory.This will boost out your website traffic and increase website popularity.

Additional techniques used to increase page rank is Newsletters and resources like articles, E Books etc

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SEO Friendly Flash Web site

Flash have been a pain and challenge for search engine promoters.Web sites developed with Flash are difficult or impossible for crawlers to read.But now Fast, AlltheWeb.com and Lycos are reading and indexing flash sites.

Presently FAST is the first search engine to support the Flash format using the Macromedia SDK. By this, Flash sites visibility to the users through search engine is more.Fast search can crawler
both text and link form flash.Google also can extract and index links from Flash files.

Otherwise, flash can be a part of a website for presentations and other part can be ordinary html pages or else use a flash version and HTML version separately. Flash can be used by humans and HTML version for Search engines.

Now search engine technology is growing well in advance so that we can just relax to see search engine crawler entering any depth of a flash website.

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Configuring Google sitemap for web page Index

Google sitemap is for suggesting information to google regarding your website like page importance and updated web pages. Do it right now and google spiders and robots will follow your suggestion through google sitemap and it will be XML Format.

Once you have created the google sitemap file, place it on your server and then visit Google Sitemaps to submit your map.

Google site map can be generated by many online free tools.You can find the tool using the keyword "Google sitemap generator" in Google search engine.

Once google sitemap XML file is created, upload to your server and then visit google site map address to submit.Google sitemap address can be found here


Login with your Google account and submit sitemap, before that you have to upload a Google verification HTML page, generated as a random number from Google.

After next spider visit you can find google indexed new updated web page.

This facility is mainly helpful for shopping and online product sale website.

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  • Does Changing ip Effects Domain Search Engine Rankings?

  • Domain Parking Practices In and Out

  • Pick Your Target Keywords and Position Your Keywords Meant for Search Engine Eyes

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  • Why Business Keywords Matter

  • Thanks for your time, leave a reply!

    Friday, August 11, 2006

    20 Top Tips For Great SEO Expert

    Tips revised for SEO 2012 & Social Media 2012

    (1) Add Title related to targeted keywords, place only important keywords, do not exceed more than 25 characters.

    (2) Add Meta description related to Title tag. Repeat keywords used in title two times in meta description.Meta description should be unique for each pages with targeted keywords. Do not stuff keywords into meta description. Do note exceed 255 characters.

    Note: Meta description and web page content should be a good one, if not it be placed in supplement results in "Google"

    (3) Add meta keywords related to targeted keywords,now only meta search engine focus in this meta keywords.

    (4) Add robots tag to tell search engine spider like Googlebot and MSNbot to index page and follow.

    (5) Add re-visit tag to tell search engine to visit our site in number of days like "7 days" etc.

    (6) Add Keywords towards H1 tag.

    (7) Add Bread crumbs to increase web site navigation structure.

    (8) Add static Header and footer navigation links, Links should be text not as images.

    (9) Config 404 for broken links in-order to avoid customers and clients moving away from our site.It can be done using IIS for asp server or .htaccess for PHP server.

    (10) Analyze your targeted keywords using overture keyword selector tool or google suggest.

    (11) Compare between two selected keywords using google fight tool.

    (12) Focus strong keywords and weak keywords for the website, weak keywords will be supportive for strong keywords and for clients initial business.

    (13) Add optimized content towards home page and inner page, give more importance to home or index page to make search engine index fast and efficient.

    (14) Do one way and two way link exchange with worthy and quality sites to make your website more popular, its like tuning the site for web site popularity.

    (15) Add links to directories more relevant to your web site, it will bring business through referrals and popularity.

    (16) Add sitemap to web site.

    (17) Create google site map to your web site and upload to your server and submit to google web master to tell search engine about the web pages in your site. This can be mostly useful for shopping or online product sale site.

    (18) Add your web site to Dmoz and yahoo Dir, this will bring more hits to your web site. dmoz database shared by many search engines and directories including Great Google.

    (19) Create feed xml, html xml and ror xml for xml search engines and directories.

    (20) Monitor your hits and traffic by using free google analytics.

    Is this post useful?, you may also like SEO related articles below,

  • Does Changing IP Effects Domain Search Engine Rankings?
  • Domain Parking Practices In and Out

  • Pick Your Target Keywords and Position Your Keywords Meant for Search Engine Eyes

  • Secrets Behind Link Building

  • Why Business Keywords Matter
  • 15 Best Seo Tips For Web Designers

    These handfull SEO tips will help a web designer to build a web site search engine friendly, rest of the web promotion part will be taken cared by an SEO experts

    (1) Optimize images to increase loading speed.

    (2) Design a content based layout.

    (3) Create static navigation links both header and footer.

    (4) Add content to web pages inside p tag avoid br tag.

    (5) Minimize table especially nested tables.

    (6) Replace div for tables.

    (7) Avoid Java script.

    (8) Use H Tags like h1...h6 for placing Keywords example like service name and products.

    (9) Create file name related to web page example web-design-uk.html and avoid keeping page name as web1.html, web2.html etc.

    (10) Implement Bread crumbs for increasing web site navigation structure example Home >> Service >> Web design.

    (11) Add alt tags related to images.

    (12) Avoid creating under construction or coming soon page.

    (13) Avoid using frames.

    (14) Validate web page for W3c to avoid html code error.

    (15) Add sitemap for website.

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  • Does Changing ip Effects Domain Search Engine Rankings?

  • Domain Parking Practices In and Out

  • Pick Your Target Keywords and Position Your Keywords Meant for Search Engine Eyes

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  • Why Business Keywords Matter

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