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Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Domain Parking Practices In and Out

There are many ways by which you can make money on the internet and domain parking is one of the simple ways. You can park your domain while you are building your site. This is an efficient way to set your site while it is being built and also avoid disappointing your visitors while site is being built. There are some domain owners who just park their domain and do not develop their site, with money being their main motive. Companies can also make use of domain parking as one of the options to divert its website traffic to another website if its own.

You need to have the knowledge on what type of domain you could park. Creative and effective thinking and planning can help you to buy domain names with this idea and capitalize on them. If you come up with a new idea and you realize that there is no domain name ( i.e. with .com) for it, then you can immediately park the domain name and earn from it. On doing so, the probability of that you being approached by someone who very badly needs that name is high, and they can even pay you a very huge amount for it. Try filling the landing page with suitable ads or affiliate marketing ads or banners, and it can give you regular income (monetized domain parking). You can also have your internet presence by just having a page with "under construction" or "coming soon" words on the page. This can help you to park the web page before it is ready to launch (demonetized domain parking). Never delay too much in buying a domain name, because by the time you decide on buying one, someone else could possibly have owned that domain name and capitalizing on it already.

Incase you are not looking out to make money, just sign up for some affiliate programs, build up a webpage and maintain the page and fill it with advertisements. You can also opt to share the profits when you work with some company who can manage it for you.

The domain owner is generally paid depending on the number of links that have been visited (like pay per click), and also how these clicks have been beneficial. The intent of the visitor can be found out based on the keywords the visitor uses for the domain name.

There are many companies who do domain parking and related management activities for you. They pay you some percentage of the fees. Some give you a very cheap domain registrations and also with some incentives to gear you up to join.

There are numerous domain parking options available for you. Incase you are not able to come up with any catchy phrase, just choose some name that is similar to some other company or competitor, which can give you high chances of hits.

You can also choose to opt for expired domain, if you wish to. As these domains used as websites earlier and expired, still hold on to some inbound links. Such domains on reusing can start with more visitors initially. When the site operators and the search engines remove the earlier available inbound links of the site, the number of visitors can go down gradually.

In the midst of making money, you always need to be quite careful, with some people in the market who do unethical business practices. They can go to the extent of redirecting the homepages to the domain that is parked so that people tend to click that domain that is parked. Always be alert with the black hat practices that some people follow to get on the top or make money is a shorter period. Do focus in reading the fine prints since some scams out there can benefit these domain parking company rather more than what they benefit the individuals.

Please Note: Domain parking practices is other wise known as domain squatting or cyber squatting to some people and there are companies who charge against people who domain park against their brands or brand names which they consider as their sole intellectual properties. ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) handles complaints regarding domain parking scams.

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Sunday, January 20, 2008

Pick Your Target Keywords and Position Your Keywords Meant for Search Engine Eyes

How do you think your visitors search for your web page? It's easy. The words you think and imagine and type in search engine box are your targeted business keywords

For example, if you own a gift site, and if any visitor type "Gift shop online", then it's your target keywords for your site that you want your webpage to be in top ten results.

Make your website with different targeted keywords that reflects your web page content. Say you have another page for gifts especially for women, then "Gifts for women" is your target keyword for that webpage, you can also know the search count or keyword strength by using Google or overture keyword tool

An important point to be remembered is that your target keyword should be two or more words in length. Most of visitors make the mistake of typing single word like "Gifts". Single words used as keywords are odd and they don't bring success.

Make sure your target keywords are placed in fine locations on a webpage. The page title tag is more important and it looks like
< title > Gift shop online, Keyword 2, Keyword 3< / title >.Missing title tag is the main reason why most of the website are ranked poor.

Title should be relatively short and attractive with not more than 3 to 4 keyword phrases and each keywords should be supportive to each other. For better understanding, if the first one is "gift shop online" then the next one can be "gift sale online". You can also try with a sentence format like
"Gift sale online shop". When it appears in search engine listings, short and attractive title makes the visitors to click through your site.

Search engines prefer web pages with keywords in headlines and also to appear in first paragraph of your webpage. While using keywords in your content use < p > tag and simplify your table structure.

Keywords in navigational links play a vital role and have its own importance to search engine eyes. Say the first column has navigation links and second column has keywords as text.

We see the pages like this

Home Gift shop online
Webpage 1 Gifts for Men
Webpage 2 Gifts for Women
Webpage 3 Gifts for Kids

Search engines see pages like this

Webpage 1
Webpage 2

Webpage 3

Gift shop online
Gifts for Men
Gifts for Women
Gifts for Kids

You can see the keywords have moved down the page and it has to be fixed by simplifying your table structure, it's been seen online that most of the people simply forget to think on how tables might affect the web page for search engines listings. Follow these tips so that search engine crawls yours web pages happily

Recommended Keyword Tool:
Wordtracker Free Keyword
Link to the Wordtracker Academy
Use this link if you have already
Link to the free downloadable (PDF)

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Saturday, January 05, 2008

Bring Customers and Business together through your Website

Internet a big intermediate like media, and now a days we can see new exiting stuffs in online advertising, organic promotion and finding sales conversion and ROI

Target your demographic and work over it through SEO, find out where your customers are and target accordingly.

You can ask a question how to find where my customers are? Its simple, use Google suggest and type your product name as keywords in search box you can find lots and lots of search results with locations,

Most of those searchers are from local peoples, target those places by building your website popularity through regional free directories and location based search engines, find exact customer visit by configure free Google analytics, use those location based keywords in your pages as titles, in meta description two times and very important is to use keyword in Content head as <> tag and Content body, if you have images use the keyword in Alt attribute, if it is a product image use the keyword as file name design accordingly and see that you don’t block the images using robot.txt file, since i generally see most of the product based site are well optimized but they block images using robots unknowingly. Now a days mostly customers use image search engines for finding products easily apart from froogle product search engine.

Internet marketing has not only made people to setup business online, same time its has made competition big! So build a potential website and market to millions of customers, Good luck

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