Inbound links - Links to your site from other quality sites helps to increase a total Page Rank
Outbound links - Links within your site, helps total rank distribution through out the pages and linking to other quality sites will also be recognized and honored by search engines :)
There are several techniques involved for Inbound and Outbound links balance

Inbound links can be obtained by link building based on various techniques, the below post links will help you on...
Importance of Link Building, Say Yes to Quality Links and No to Quantity Links
Secrets Behind Link Building
Outbound links are done through various ways listed below
(1) Breadcrumb Navigation looks like Home >> Articles >> SEO
(2) Head text links: Try to avoid image links and use CSS for look and feel
(3) Footer Text Links: Most of the site miss-opportunity to add text navigation links or use java script for adding links, for effective rank distribution we can add links in template or as an include file
(4) Sitemap - Contains links to every page of your site easy for rank distribution
(5) Anchor text: Use important text between the
and tags in contents, it will help you a lot to tell search engine spiders about the linking page importance to respective keywords and also for rank distribution
(6) Linking to other quality site: If you find some information related to your site or your content and the site has real quality contents don't hesitate to link from your site, even rank distribution to other quality sites or information pages (Eg: Wiki) help your site to be ranked higher, which most of the people forget or fails to understand
Hope you got an idea on rank distribution, try and come back with your experience, thanks for your time.