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Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Best 12 Wordpress SEO Tips and Advice

One of the best opensource I like is Wordpress and it can be used both as Blog and as well for CMS

Wordpress by default has some search engine friendly setup but we need to edit some part of the code and add plugins to make it more search engine friendly and the plugins will help us to do the work easier and better. Below are the tips to create search engine friendly Wordpress blog

(1) Initially you can add search engine friendly theme with less image and your choice of image can go for logo, banner and bullets. Try to reduce code size and bytes.
(2) Install "All in SEO" Plugin". Activate and edit in options according to your visitors focus
(3) Most importantly do add alt attribute for logos and banner, i see most of the blogs miss to implement this technique or alt attribute are not unique. To solve this you can try "Custom Header" plugin and enter HTML codes for each posts and pages
(4) Permalink a very important part that helps to create search engine friendly URLS. In wordpress admin you can find "Permalinks" under option. In this you can notice "Custom structure", you may try adding this tag /%postname%/
(5) Create and configure .htaccess file and place the below code

RewriteEngine OnRewriteBase /RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-fRewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-dRewriteRule . /index.php [L]

Save and upload in root and confirm that .htaccess file is been enabled in your server and your done
(6) If your theme doesn't have archive section, don't miss to add because new visitors to you blog may also like to read your old posts, so try adding the code to your theme
(7) Again "Popular tags" one of the very important part for blog and seo which helps to show visitors and search engine to the importance of blog posts and subjects. The follwoing code will show tags popularity by size
(8) Install "Recent post" plugin and activate. This plugin helps to retrieve list of the most recent posts for your visitors
(9) Add "Google Sitemaps" to the plugin folder and activate . Set write access to the root server and then go to options >> Google sitemap and then click "Build sitemap manually" link and this creates site map and as you add new post xml file gets updated automatically with new posts URL.
(10) Add this sitemap.xml file to Google and Yahoo Webmaster tool so that spider will crawl the URL on regular basis
(11) Configure and add Google Custom Search and Google Analytics
(12) Register to Feedburner and add your post RSS feed to Feedburner and create an option in the blog for your readers to subscribe your posts, by this as and when you post, your reader will be sent mail or noticed through browser about your new posts

Hope above Wordpress SEO Tips and Advice will help you to create search engine friendly Wordpress blog

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Top 10 Drupal SEO Tips and Advice

As we all know Drupal plays a big role in open source development and it is very important that Drupal site development should be search engine friendly. To make this we need to focus lots in on-page optimization for search engine readiness and the below list of tips will help you to develop search engine friendly site and spiders can crawl the site very easily without any limits

(1) Rewrite CSS and reduce code size
(2) Design layout using XHTMl and make it lighter better for SEO
(3) Creating Clean URL's, optional using .htaccess
(4) Enable Path module
(5) Configure Meta tag Module
(6) Remove content duplication by URL's with the help of robots.txt File
(7) Enable XML sitemap
(8) Add Custom breadcrumb Module
(9) Enable related links
(10) Global redirects

Once the Drupal Search engine friendly setup is done following above tips you can start with keyword optimization and link promotion

Hope you found post to be useful, you might also find below posts valuable

(1) Does Changing ip Effects Domain Search Engine Rankings?
(2) Domain Parking Practices In and Out
(3) Why Business Keywords Matter

Saturday, October 04, 2008

Writing Good Title Tag for SEO

One the most important tag in on-page optimization is the title tag, its an HTML tag that can been seen in view source of a web page. Good title tag can bring in more traffic through keyword search listings and users clicks. Title tag is very much important in SEO because it speaks all about the web page to the search engine spiders and users and title tag should be unique through out the web page

Title tag in Search engine listings:

Title tag in browser:

Title tag in Source:

Title tag has lots of importance in search engine algorithms and below points can be followed for effective titles

(1) Good title tag should be added with well-researched and optimized keywords
(2) Title should describe page content
(3) Title tag can have 3 to 4 keyword phrases
(4) All page should have unique title, else the page will look duplicate in search engine eyes
(5) Titles should be written for searchers and your visitors
(6) Don't add HTML or java scripts to Titles
(7) No Keyword stuffing in Titles

Below are some examples

X Y Z Company - SEO Company UK - Average practice

X Y Z Company SEO Company UK - Average practice

X Y Z Company: SEO Company UK - Average practice

SEO Company UK - X Y Z Company - Better practice

SEO Company UK, SEO Company, SEO UK, SEO Company in UK - X Y Z Company - Bad practice (Keyword stuffing)

SEO Company UK, SEO Consultant, Search Engine Optimisation UK - X Y Z Company, UK - Good practice

This is all about title tag, have title catchy, short and keyword based.