Jag SEO blog - Modern SEO, SEM & SMM

Dive into the JagSEO blog for expert insights on performance marketing, SEO, SEM, analytics, and content marketing. Whether you're a beginner, webmaster, online business owner, or seasoned professional, explore tips, tactics, and strategies designed to enhance your digital marketing success.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Top SEO strategies & tips for Facebook Page Owners

Facebook Page is a key for your business promotion and for many after their business website; they invest much time, effort and money to their business or personal Facebook page. Facebook by its social space popularity pulls more traffic to their site, so make use of it to bring traffic to your Facebook business page. Here are the top SEO strategies & tips for Facebook page owners.

1. Have the most suitable name for your Facebook page and do not change it.

2. Choose the best URL for your Facebook Page and to rename to custom URL, you need to have 25 fans to your Facebook page.

3."Why is this page" about text box on right side should have the message for the visitors and have the most effective words to it for greater indexing.

4. Make use of the “Info” tab to include important links and texts with keywords on your page.

5. Make use of the option "Suggest your friends".

6. Make use of “Static FBML” boxes and tabs to have banners, content and links. Here is a link to “Static FBML”.

7. Post your website links and useful links that relates to your theme in your page’s stream.

8. Add photos, videos and discussion forum.

9. Add your Facebook Page links to your websites and social sites like LinkedIn, Twitter and so.

10. Engage your fans and make them to comment and like your content in page stream.

Hope you have got an idea on Facebook Page SEO strategies. Feel free to post if you have any SEO tips for Facebook Page organic promotion.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Blekko.com is not only a Search Engine; it’s an amazing SEO tool

Blekko.com, a new Search Engine that comes up with handy tools for webmasters and SEO's. It is known to be a slashtag search engine. Blekko calls its web crawler as ScoutJet. If you have any pages to be update then you may try crawler@blekko.com and to know about the ScoutJet web crawler, you can visit www.scoutjet.com

Here you start, try Blekko.com with

"yourdomian.com" /link - find site backlinks
"yourdomian.com" /rank - seo info for a site
"yourdomian.com" /seo - shows web data with inbound links, crawl stats, site pages, compare with another site & duplicate content.

Link Builders can make use of a special query to know IBL in order of the most recent link, Yourdomain.com /link /date

And if you need in real-time feed then add /rss to the query like Yourdomain.com /link /date /rss

Here is the SEO feature/toolbar from Blekko

Here is a note on Blekko.com slash tag and you may post your experience in my FaceBook page http://www.facebook.com/jagseo/posts/169364039760246

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Jag's Featured Interview on Search Engine Optimization (SEO) By Chip Magazine

Glad to share my Featured Interview on Search Engine Optimization (SEO) by Chip Magazine with my blog readers.
  • SEO Overview
  • Why is a SEO manager needed?
  • How different is it from the job of a webmaster?
  • What does the job of a SEO professional entail?
  • What are the challenges involved to achieve high hits?
  • What are the technical qualification required?
  • What is the job ladder and growth prospects like?
  • What is your advice for the people considering a career in SEO?

(Click on the image to enlarge)

Feel free to post your feedback here http://www.facebook.com/jagseo

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

18 Tools For Your Online Marketing Needs

Online marketing industry gets updated every day and we are trying to get to know those updates and work to improve our results on day to day basis. Here are some tools that can help you with your online marketing efforts.
If you know any good tools, you may share in the comment section.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

How SEO Link Love Value Differs?

As we all know links from sites are votes to search engines eyes but many do think all link love has same value. I saw few discussions on this and thought of having a note to make a clear thought on link love value discussions.

Link love differs from page block place to place. A link placement in content is different from links in blogroll, footer links area or link listings - say directories.

Content link love has the benefit of having related text around and it looks natural to search engines eyes. There are many article sites and blog authors who write content referring quality content pages that contain examples or O.P section. These refereed links has much value than the links submitted to directories or having links in the blogroll. So write fresh content and start getting natural links from authors and bloggers and move your page popularity much ahead.


Monday, July 12, 2010

Top 18 Online Marketing (SEO & Analytics) Questions To Ask Yourself

Here are the day to day SEO and Analytics questions you should ask yourself!

(1) Do you know what type of links your SEO client sites require?

(2) Is your site Search Engine friendly? Did you do a test?

(3) You have Google Analytics and you find hard to understand?

(4) Google Webmaster tools are interesting. Do you find that easy enough?

(5) How many quality links you require to bring your site to top position?

(6) Are you seeing the actual Google page rank of your site in your tool bar?

(7) Do you have unique tags for all your pages?

(8) Is Alt attribute important for site promotion or it is only for browsers?

(9) What happens to your rank if you don't link domain to your logo?

(10) Do link juice get split if you have xyz.com and xyz.com/index.html?

(11) Do Google still like links from paid directories?

(12) Have your site SEO audit score reach 10/10?

(13) Are you sure about your site current keywords?

(14) Are your keywords getting enough related traffic?

(15) Do you get business from your site-optimized keywords?

(16) You get traffic but not business. Why?

(17) Will re-optimizing the existing keywords drops your current ranking?

(18) Do you site redesign drop your existing keyword position and rank?

* You can find answers from this blog site posts. Try the blog search that can be found in the header section!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

SEO Formula = Search Behavior + Logic + Code Analysis Knowledge

As known SEO is all about optimizing a page for search engines to help cache information related to users queries. Think to a point that you are helping search engines to know about your pages. This will certainly help you to become a good SEO specialist.

Anybody who knows how search behaves for users queries will be successful to rank well. Knowing search behavior is key knowledge that helps to understand how keywords as well backlinks work for top listing. Search logic will help to improve the solid business conversion and it should come through experience handing various domains both international and local.

As always search engines like to crawl content pages easily and code analysis knowledge for a SEO person is very much essential and it will help to format the code by removing unwanted or arranging codes in a desired format, adding right search engine friendly tags that support easy web page crawl and as well help to reduce the pages size.

Hope the SEO formula made you to think and if you know something similar or have come across any other, feel free to post it through comment section.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Why not to over do SEO?

3 Simple and Important Factors
#1. Do not try to build bulk links in one day. Take time to get quality links. One quality link is equal to n number of quantity links.

#2. Make sure you follow keyword density, If you are already listed in #1 page below your competitor. Do not think only by increasing keywords in content can bring you the top position above your competitor. These can even result to removal of current organic listing or the result can be pushed to last.

#3. Write content for users experiences and not alone for Search Engine spiders.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

SEO Lies and SEO Truths

SEO deals with research and analysis and one can call him as a SEO specialist only through good long-term experience in various theme based industries and business sites.

I read many lies around the web and I would like to share my point of view here to my blog readers

Lie one - Come to us with $ we will get you #1 position for your keyword by a day, a week or a month. And some proudly say that if an SEO company doesn't guarantee then they don’t know SEO. So funny, may be they have the access to the Google organic listing Database or they might be talking about Google Adwords (PPC)

As a SEO client you can challenge those companies whom guarantees. Find and provide them a high or medium competitive keyword or keywords. Find those related theme based keywords using free Google keyword tool. You can see the fact on such.

I don't say #1 is not possible at all; it has to come though long time period based on so many acts and figures and not by a day, a week or a month. Use your commonsense, Google search your top keyword and find how your competitor ranks and in total how many competitors and in how many years of efforts. These types of basic analyses will educate you to find what is possible within a timeframe.

As well check that the company does "While hat SEO" and they are not into keyword stuffing and to all bad practice that are against Google guidelines, known as black hat SEO.

Note: May be, weak keywords with no search count or a very low search count keywords can be achieved in a short time, see that it reflects your ROI or it is a waste of time and money.

Lie Two - SEO is all about number of links. We build 10,000 links over night. Pay us $ for the links and get referral traffic and organic listing.

There are companies who build links with software’s or host directories in their servers for link backs. Do ask them for quality links rather than quantity links. Ranging from a small site to big site, quality links on an average 20 to 50 a month will do with traffic and results you look for.

Lie Three - Pay us $, we rephrase your competitor content based on your top keywords and list top above your competitor listing.

It is not the fact, now Google and other search engines are so smart to find those and push the results back. May be for few days the content lists in top but no use looking at long term.

Write content on what you offer in your own style and write content on what you know about the business practice and resources. Do not duplicate the same resources in different forms. Write better information than your competitor. Make readers happy, and then obviously search engines will make you happy.

Lie Four - Some web design or development companies says we do not build links every month so like other SEO companies we do not charge for SEO maintenance. Links are not that important now. Only keywords are important and we do add keywords to your site and it is only one time SEO setup and one time charge.

Off-page optimization (Link building) is as important as on-page optimizations (Site and keywords optimization). Quality links with site keywords as anchor text is one of the major factor in SEO and non-SEO companies lack knowledge on these areas like site submission to right directories and sites.

Lie Five - Money back offer is a catching word that attracts so many SEO clients. They present in such a way that they return the money if they do not obtain the results. They mix the strong keywords, weak keywords and keywords that do not have user search count. In few months when SEO client don't get business through SEO they asks for results and they are shown with keywords that has no search count or weak keywords position that do not produce quality traffic.

SEO client, when you see Money back offer in SEO sites or emails, then provide them the keywords you like your site to get listed. See that the user count for those keywords are high and medium, then your $ will be valued.

Note: The blog post refers to some SEO companies and not all

Any other SEO lies you heard?

State those in below comment section.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Top 1 of the Bottomless SEO Tips

Study your competitor first and then proceed to on-pages and off page optimization. A business owner can come forward to study his online competitors for his services or products. At the end of the day he is the seller earner or looser.

If you do SEO yourself or contact a SEO professional, first thing you need is to know through what search keywords your product or services can be sold through Search Engines. If you hire a person, then work closely with the person to give an idea on what all service you offer and how much you can offer.

As a business owner you are the person who knows everything that can be offered and you will be knowing limitation if any. Suppose if you can only sell your service to limited customers or can sell only minimum number of products a day then you can go for weak search keywords were you have a user hit between hundreds. Weak keywords with right optimization can brig results easily.

Before starting SEO, think about you or your business strength and start your campaign. If you can offer service or products larger in size then it is well and good to start with a combination of weak and strong keywords that has few hundred and thousand users hits.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Will Google Buzz help SEO's?

As we all know link building is one of the big factor for SEO and to one of my old email account I get loads of mails asking for link exchange on various industries. Btw, I have no idea how the email id has been spread out :)

Link exchange guys send their mails with information and criteria for reciprocal links. As Google buzz launched few days back, is based on a Gmail service that has a follow and unfollow system like twitter with a revolutionize in concept having an option to post comments to individual followers, showing liking to the buzz among the followers and emailing the buzz to desired people.

Through all these manner it will help link exchangers to post there reciprocal sites with information specific to their industry related followers and the work would be much more easier and sustained, compared to mass mail as of now ;)

Feel free to post your comments on how Google Buzz can be used.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Jag SEO write-ups in Google Knol Library

Jag would like to share his blog visitors about SEO write-ups in Google Knol. Jag started knolling on Mar 19, 2009 and started with a Knol " 30 SEO Tips for 30 Days" and the Knol got selected in Dummies content entry and as well the Knol was awarded as "Top Pick Knol" and "Top Viewed Knol". And to the Jag’s Knol contribution list his 2nd Knol was about " How to Improve Knol writing using SEO to Rank in First Page?” This Knol teaches about how efficiently SEO techniques and factors can be used for Knol content platform and hope the SEO Knol helped lot of authors that can be seen in the Knol comment section. And the 3rd one was written for students to learn the basic of SEO and the Knol topic is " Search Engine Optimization (SEO) 101: Students Guide - Basics". Browse though all the Knol’s written by him and share your experience.

For the knol contribution, Jag got " Top Pick Author Award" and currently ranking in 12th position. Hope to see more knols to the top list.