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Saturday, November 13, 2010

Blekko.com is not only a Search Engine; it’s an amazing SEO tool

Blekko.com, a new Search Engine that comes up with handy tools for webmasters and SEO's. It is known to be a slashtag search engine. Blekko calls its web crawler as ScoutJet. If you have any pages to be update then you may try crawler@blekko.com and to know about the ScoutJet web crawler, you can visit www.scoutjet.com

Here you start, try Blekko.com with

"yourdomian.com" /link - find site backlinks
"yourdomian.com" /rank - seo info for a site
"yourdomian.com" /seo - shows web data with inbound links, crawl stats, site pages, compare with another site & duplicate content.

Link Builders can make use of a special query to know IBL in order of the most recent link, Yourdomain.com /link /date

And if you need in real-time feed then add /rss to the query like Yourdomain.com /link /date /rss

Here is the SEO feature/toolbar from Blekko

Here is a note on Blekko.com slash tag and you may post your experience in my FaceBook page http://www.facebook.com/jagseo/posts/169364039760246