Jag SEO blog - Modern SEO, SEM & SMM

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Thursday, January 20, 2022

5 SEO Tips to follow in 2022

You would have already knew these SEO tips but you would have ignored or missed out. If you know or not, do consider following and look very close to these,

#1 Disavow file

Check your site backlinks using your fav SEO tool and find out backlinks which you think is bad and add to the disavow file. 


Reference https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/disavow-links-main

#2 Page Speed

Improve your page speed for better user experience. This is one of the important ranking signal. Do an analysis & optimize your website with Page speed tool.  


Reference https://pagespeed.web.dev/

#3 User Interaction

Make sure you provide a good user experience by not completing your web page design. Make it simple and drive the user through an interaction in the form of simple CTA button to get the data.

#4 Page layout Shift

Every web page should have visual stability. Image or video with unknown dimensions or fonts that loads large then falls back to small or any wired widget or an ad so on leads to an unbalanced visual for users. It reflects to bad user experience.

Learn more on CWV report https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/9205520?hl=en

#5 Your USP & keywords on Title, Meta & Content

Always look into GSC for the individual page CTR and work on the title, Meta snippet & page content. One of the top most signal combined with users interaction & user page navigation to determine how valuable your page is for user and based on the same the page is ranked for relevant keywords.

Hope you enjoyed reading the post. Feel free to connect to know more & stay tuned for upcoming posts!