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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Why natural backlinks are more important than artificial backlinks?

To be simple website's Search engine ranking works based on quality content and backlinks. The ultimate point we need to think about is to write fresh and informative content for users and not to write rephrasing content for Google and other major search engines. Your readers will love to give a link to your web page content only when it is found unique. This natural backlink has more weight age than your artificial backlinks such as directories submission, web page posting and so.

Content that attracts readers are given more importance by Google and other search engines. Readers who link to your webpage would be high and with right anchor text your web page will be boosted link anything.

Artificial backlinks needs more time and effort and to find the right sites for submission is not so easy. As per Google guidelines, paid links submission without “nofollow” attribute will be a big cause for penalty. Even if you pay for links with “nofollow” attribute, the link juice flow doesn't work like before. Instead if you put more efforts for writing quality content then over night you will have a high chance of getting more natural backlinks from your readers.

Writing quality content is a onetime effort. It automatically works for you round the clock but link submission is a repeated process. It is not that you need not get links from quality human edited directory; it is as simple as that you need to give more importance to write quality content to get natural backlinks and it grows as it reaches mass audience. Through researches it is found that natural backlinks brings more relevant users and conversion level is high.